วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Future of barter - shops, chains, outlets, retail banks, clothing, fashion, shopping arcade centers, shopping centers and administration. Conference keynote speaker

How www.globalchange.com retailers and shopping centers must fight against online sales, which are almost always able to beat with big discounts. Malls and shops in High Street retail shopping centers can provide products more quickly in your hands the line - even with the delivery during the night. Because in a world in constant evolution, and impatience is always the High Street shop for some consumers, it has to win now. And the other thing is the provision of live, breatheShopping Experience. Consumer behavior and consumer choice. Online shopping and E-/ Bay of online travel agencies. Shopping for food are likely to remain a go-out-shopping activity for a very long because of the immediacy and the fact that customers want to touch, feel, and smell of food before buying. Comment by Dr Patrick Dixon, futurist and authority on global trends and conference speaker.

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